Certain equipment requires a Risk Assessment to be undertaken, to comply with legal requirements. This equipment will not be released until a member of the Technical Team is satisfied that an appropriate and suitable Risk Assessment has been carried out. In most cases, the risk will be minimal, but all aspects of the operation must be discussed between the Technical Staff and the bookie.


Always make sure you discuss your location details and Risk Assessment with the Technical staff and agree that you are both satisfied that everything has been done to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

When recording on private property the student, must obtain written permission from the landowner and enquire of the owner of any safety hazards.

Care must be taken not to obstruct the highway, to disturb farm animals or wildlife or to cause a nuisance or danger to any member of the public.


All location recording outside Great Britain must be approved by a member of the Technical Team. Who are required to sign our equipment booking form in advance of travelling overseas.

Further details are available from the Technical Team in the Centre for Music and Audio Technology.


When you book a room or equipment you are confirming that you have discussed and agreed with the Technical Team all aspects of the production and particularly have drawn their attention to any situations in which people or equipment may be put at risk. You are also confirming that you have informed all participants of such matters and taken all reasonable precautions to secure their safety.

The Declaration is as follows:

I confirm that upon collection of equipment it is my responsibility for the handling and safety of the equipment, and the safety of any participants involved with the use of this equipment. I confirm that during my booking period I will work in a professional and responsible manner.

A lot of audio work requires good organisation, teamwork and adherence to deadlines. During term time our resources are in constant use. Scheduling of equipment and facilities is critical, and the success of the loan system relies on the timely return of borrowed items. Failure to return borrowed equipment will deny other Students or Staff expecting booked facilities to be available.

If, for any reason, you are delayed in returning equipment or loan items by the due date, please contact the Technical Team as soon as possible and let us know (Contact details are found on the CMAT website). It may be possible for us to extend your booking, or make alternative arrangements for equipment to be made available to the next user, but it is important that you do contact us.

Under the terms of the loan agreement, the signatory for the loan is responsible for all equipment borrowed (which is itemised in the loan agreement) and must ensure its safe return to the CMAT Technical Team for serviceability checks and maintenance prior to re-issue. Equipment must not be sub-let by the borrower, or directly passed to another. Passing equipment directly to another student or colleague will not be seen as a proper handover of responsibility and the signatory for the loan will remain fully responsible for proper and timely return of the equipment.


When inviting guests into booked studio spaces it is the responsibility of the booking form signatory to ensure Guest Sign-In procedure is followed.

Between 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday:Students with guests, to report to the Reception in the Galvanising Workshop on arrival and their guests to provide a form of ID with their name on.

Between 17:00 – 22:00 Monday to Friday: Students with guests, to report to the CHDT Golf Control Security Office (by pedestrian gate) and sign in same details as above in the University of Kent book provided.

Between 09:00 – 15:00 Saturday: Saturday access times 09:00 to 15:00 Students with guests, to report to the CHDT Golf Control Security Office (by pedestrian gate) and sign in same details as above in the University of Kent book provided.

Sunday Closed: No access unless pre arrangement with CMAT, Medway Campus Security and Estates.

Registered Students are allowed a Maximum Number of non-student guests to a ratio of 5 to 1. Any other ratio requires pre-arrangement through CMAT, Medway Campus Security and Estates.

Any damages caused by guests are the responsibility of the booking form signatory. Repeated abuse will result in booking penalties.


The Centre for Music an Audio Technology is covered by two types of insurance:

Content– this relates to all our equipment used in productions.

Public Liability– this relates to an act/ situation caused by a student or staff member that may directly or indirectly cause harm to a third party.

All centre equipment has an excess of between £500.00 and £2500.00 (depending on items value).

Equipment that is left unattended left in a locked vehicle or in a third party’s care WILL NOT BE CLASSED AS INSURED. If equipment is lost or stolen in these circumstances you will be liable for the replacement costs to the full amount.


Any loss or theft of equipment must be reported immediately to a member of the Technical Team. The signatory of the loan agreement will be required to provide a written report, providing full details of the incident. The signatory of the loan agreement should report any theft of equipment to the Police in the area where the theft is thought to have occurred.

If equipment is stolen whether by forced/ unforced entry or from an assault on your person, a policy excess of £2500 will apply and will be paid by you, the remainder of which will be paid for by the university. A crime number and police report will be requested.

Any incident involving the loss or theft of CMAT property will be investigated by a member of the Technical Team who will determine the appropriate action.


All items borrowed must be returned in the same state as issued.

Equipment which is returned damaged or which have been irretrievably lost will have to be replaced by the Centre for Music and Audio Technology which will require the signatory for the loan to pay the full cost of replacement.


Students still in possession of overdue equipment will be sent an SMS message to their provided contact number, reminding them to return their overdue equipment as soon as possible.

If any equipment is returned late a booking penalty may incur. Repeat offensives may result in students being denied access to specific University facilities and/or equipment for a period of time.


Items returned damaged must be accompanied with a written report to a member of the Technical Team.

Repeated poor care of booked equipment may result in booking penalties.


Always be careful when using CMAT equipment. Never leave equipment unattended when in use and always store equipment away safely and securely at all other times. Take care to avoid damaging equipment, particularly with food and drink.

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